Data for Goto et al.

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Luchetti, A., Bota, A., Weitemier, A., Mizuta, K., Sato, M., Islam, T., McHugh, T.J., Tashiro, A., & Hayashi, Y. (2020).
Two Functionally Distinct Serotonergic Projections into Hippocampus. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 40(25), 4936-4944. [PubMed:32414785] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

S Niemann, J E Landers, M J Churchill, B Hosler, P Sapp, W C Speed, B T Lahn, K K Kidd, R H Brown, Y Hayashi

Motoneuron-specific NR3B gene: no association with ALS and evidence for a common null allele.
Neurology  : 2008, 70(9);666-76 [PubMed:17687115] [] [DOI]